Reactor Protection & Engineered
Safety Feature Systems
The Reactor Protection Systems are designed to shutdown the
reactor and maintain it shutdown when needed. These systems are
automatically actuated and may be manually actuated.
The Engineered Safety Feature Actuation Systems are designed
to provide cooling for the reactor and to reduce the potential for
offsite releases of radioactive materials. These systems are
automatically actuated and may be manually actuated.
Several terms that you may hear or see used are - Scram - Trip
- Engineered Safety Feature Actuation - Containment Isolation -
Anticipated Transient without Scram (ATWS) - Loss of Coolant
Accident (LOCA). What does each of these terms mean?
- Reactor Scram or Reactor Trip refers to the insertion of
the control rods.
- Turbine Trip refers to the shutting of the control valves
that admit steam to the turbine.
- Generator trip refers to the opening of the output
breakers from the generator.
- Engineered Safety Feature Actuation refers to the actions
related to shutting down the reactor, mitigating the
effects of a loss of reactor coolant accident, or
minimizing offsite release.
- Containment isolation refers to the automatic and
built-in features that shut valves and shutdown ventilation
systems to minimize offsite releases of radioactivity.
- ATWS refers to the extremely low probability postulated
event whereby it is assumed all rods do not automatically insert
and cannot be manually tripped.
- LOCA refers to the very low probability postulated event
whereby it is assumed that a double ended guillotine
break of the 3 feet (1 meter) pipe occurs and high
pressure water discharges from both sections of the pipe.
Small (1 to 2 inch) - intermediate and large break LOCAs
are assumed and evaluated.
Common Design Features of
Reactor Protection and Engineered Safety Feature Actuation Systems
These systems have the following features:
- Multiple channels or trains of similar equipment - this
is referred to as redundancy.
- Sensors to detect an abnormal condition. Just as a person
driving a car has indications of speed, oil pressure, and water
temperature to warn of potential damage to the vehicle,
the reactor operator has indications. Important ones are discussed
- Multiple different techniques of sensing abnormal
conditions - this is referred to as diversity
- Devices with pre-set static or variable setpoints
- Circuits that sense coincidence of several
channels/trains reaching or exceeding the same setpoint. This
practice is used to prevent false actuation.
In older plants, devices as relays and bistables are used. In
newer plants, computerized equivalents may be used. The systems
are designed to oerate if there is a loss of offsite power.
Parameters Sensed for
Reactor Protection Systems (RPS)
Most plants use many of the diverse parameters listed below in
their reactor protection systems. At specified setpoints, the reactor
will shutdown by opening the circuit breakers that supply
electrical power to control rods (or cause valves in the BWR
hydraulic system to operate and accomplish the same purpose). The
control rods will then insert. The circuitry is setup so that
opening of any one circuit breaker will cause the rods to insert.
- Reactor or Neutron power (can be viewed like speed in a
car) sensors are monitored inside and outside the
reactor. If a protection system uses external detectors,
these are periodically recalibrated using detectors
internal to the reactor. If power is excessive, fuel
damage can result.
- Reactor cooling system temperature (If temperature is
excessive for a long time, fuel damage can result)
- Pressurizer or reactor cooling system pressure (If
pressure drops due to a leak or an open valve, voids may
develop in the reactor, an undesireable condition).
- Reactor cooling system flow (too low a flowrate through
the reactor is undesireable)
- Steam (secondary side) system pressure (If steam is drawn
off too rapidly, steam pressure will drop; this can
result in reactor cooling with the potential for damage
to the reactor fuel, an undesireable condition)
- Comparison of Feedwater (FF) and Steam (SF) flow rates (
if these are not matched for a long time, damage to the reactor
fuel can result).
In the 1980's, plants in the United States were required to
install diverse methods of shutting down the reactor to address
the possibility of the anticipated transient without scram (ATWS)
event. In the ATWS event, it is assumed the rods cannot insert. Other
methods as chemical addition, steam generator heat removal, and
pressure relief valve opening are provided.
Parameters Sensed for
Engineered Safety Features Actuation Systems (ESFAS)
Functions provided by ESFAS include:
- Emergency Core Cooling (ECCS) - start to provide cooling
of the reactor core.
- Emergency Feedwater - start to provide water to the
reactor (if a BWR) or steam generatyor (if a PWR)
- Containment Isolation - closure of valves in lines
exiting the containment that do not serve an emergency
safety function.
- Containment Ventilation Isolation - closure of dampers in
ventilation system exiting the containment to reduce
potential for offsite releases
- Emergency Ventilation System start and normal ventilation
system shutdown.
- Emergency Diesel Generator start to provide a backup
power source.
- Containment Spray start to reduce the containment
pressure (only, if needed)
In some cases, depressurization of the reactor cooling system
may be purposefully done:
- BWR Safety-relief valves open to depressurize the reactor
cooling system so that the high volume low pressure ECCS pumps
can be used to cool the reactor core.
- PWR Power operated relief valves may be opened to
depressurize the reactor cooling system if a break in a
steam generator tube occurs in order to reduce the leak
between the reactor cooling and the secondary
non-radioactive system.
Most plants use many of the diverse parameters listed below
for ESF actuation:
- Pressurizer or Reactor Cooling System pressure - start
ECCS systems
- Containment Pressure - start ECCS systems and containment
at a pressure slightly above atmospheric.
- Containment, Reactor Building, Auxiliary Building
Ventilation Radiation Monitors
For more information on Reactor Protection and Engineered
Safety Feature Actuation Systems, refer to one of the following:
- Example of Palo Verde NGP PWR RPS and ESFAS setpoints - 1, 2, 3, 4
- Example of Hatch NPP BWR RPS and ESFAS setpoints - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20
Copyright © 1996-2004. Joseph
Gonyeau, P.E.. The Virtual Nuclear
Tourist. All rights reserved. Revised: March 15, 2001.